Snohomish County Career Fair

October 30, 2024

2pm to 6pm
Washington State University, Everett

915 N. Broadway • Everett, WA 98201
Directions & Map

Uniting top talent with top employers of Snohomish County and beyond!

Job Seeker Registration

Register Below

to let us know you plan to attend

If you opt to upload your resume with your registration, you will be entered into a drawing for 2 pairs of tickets to see the Everett Silvertips!

You may register without providing your resume, but you will not be entered into the prize drawing. However, you may obtain a drawing entry by visiting the registration table at the Career Fair.

Receive two drawing entries by providing your resume in the registration form and visiting the registration table at the Career Fair!

Job-Seeker attendance is free.

Meet and interview with hiring managers from top employers in Snohomish and surrounding counties. Come prepared to network and discuss current openings and career opportunities. Professional attire is strongly encouraged.

If you haven't already, be sure to visit the Job-Seeker Resources for information on preparing for the Career Fair.

Get a jump start on your job search with

Your best source for local jobs!

Employer Attendance

We welcome organizations from all industries! Past represented industries have been aerospace, hospitality, healthcare, military, finance, retail, construction, manufacturing, education, and much more. Most have locations in Snohomish County, but others visit us from surrounding counties. We typically have up to 50 companies represented at the Career Fair.

Visit the Participant List to view attending employers for the upcoming fair.

Fill out my online form.